5 Amazing Benefits of Masterminding

“Mastermind as coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose,” is how Napoleon Hill describes the Mastermind idea he studied. “This form of cooperative alliance (the Mastermind) has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status.”

Today, women entrepreneurs are designing new models of the Mastermind – and the results are more powerful than ever before. Being a women entrepreneur and being a member of a high-level Mastermind group, I’m a huge believer in the Mastermind model (in addition to private coaching) because it connects me with like-minded, big vision people and has tripled my success as an entrepreneur. I get to offer my point of view to my Mastermind group, and I receive solutions from the most extraordinary people.

When we try to create a profitable business on our own, it’s too easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated, isolated, and stuck. When entrepreneurs are in this place, they often begin to think that maybe there is something wrong with them (you may be able to relate to this). But, the real truth is there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, the real truth is that you have a profound message to share that will help people transform their lives. I know, deep in your heart, you long to get this message out in the world in a BIG WAY!

But what exactly is a Mastermind? And how do you know if it’s for you?

Below are five elements of a Mastermind group. This will give you an idea of how they work so you can decide whether or not you would like to form a Mastermind or join one.

1. A Mastermind allows you to see a much bigger vision for yourself and moves you forward, allowing you to take much bigger leaps.

Mastermind is about creating consistent, forward momentum and helping you achieve your dreams and goals. A Mastermind group brings out the things that are within you that you cannot see for yourself. Masterminds are different than support groups. Support groups are wonderful to heal from past trauma, but Masterminds are not about healing.

Mastermind groups are about growing, taking big leaps, and being willing to live out your fullest potential and playing your biggest game. People who try to form casual Mastermind’s often end up disappointed. Casual Masterminds are much different than a Mastermind group with strong coaching and high-level teaching of mindset, systems and marketing. All members have to hold that level of energy, commitment, desire, and set an intention to keep that momentum. This is not always an easy task!

2. A Mastermind Group is about powerful shifts in your mindset. Complaining, excuse-making and whining are not options!

In a Mastermind, each person gets a “hot seat” to present her big vision for her business and life to the group. She presents her goals, dreams, and challenges. Tears often happen, as she is releasing fearful energy that, up to this point, has kept her stuck and realizing the time is NOW to move forward.

Complaining, excuses-making, whining, and the feelings of staying stuck quickly dissolve. You are not only heard and fully supported, you are also given you need to gain clarity and move forward. Mindsets are a huge part of the Mastermind.

3. A Mastermind Group is about growth and expansion out of your comfort zone.

Most people desire expansion and growth. People who join a Mastermind know in their gut that, without growth for their purpose and dreams, they’ll die a slow death. When you take part in a Mastermind, you will be expanded and stretched. This excites people because they know on the other side of their comfort zone is huge growth. In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons people want to take part in a Mastermind! They know the results they have had from staying within their comfort zones and not satisfactory. Masterminds are very effective because they require you to expand out of your comfort zone so you get the results you want (let’s get serious – helping more people, more money, more personal freedom, and the business you love!).

4. A Mastermind Group offers support and holds you accountable.

For me personally, I am showing up for my life and business in a way I have never done before as a result of being part of a Mastermind. The results I am achieving are mind blowing! So much, in fact, I won the recent “Implementation Challenge” amongst my Mastermind group.

You see, creating a clear vision, having systems, and deciding and taking action are my strengths, and Masterminding has made these strengths even stronger. (Actually, this is one reason why my clients love me as their coach. I move them from being stuck to achieving freedom through clarity, systems, deciding, and action.)

5. A Mastermind creates a huge space for new ideas, implementation, and resources. It’s a relationship of giving and receiving.

Each person is fully present and committed to supporting their Mastermind group. >When each person gives their full focus and attention to one person and her dreams, brilliant ideas spark and solutions are offered. Challenges are no more – that is the power of the group. Resources and connections are often discovered in the process. This is just some of the tremendous value and benefit of taking part in a Mastermind.

There is something incredibly powerful about being amongst a group of ‘Big Visionaries’ within the Mastermind.

Napoleon Hill put it this way: “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

The intention with the Mastermind group taps into a higher source of intelligence and creativity, naturally guiding the group and moving it forward together. A greater awareness happens.

The awareness of this “third” mind helps me trust and access the knowing from within. Therefore, I am able to walk into fear and trust there is something bigger happening on the other side of fear.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5212366

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