
Inspiring lives. One person at a time.

I help people see themselves as the miracles that they are in order to fulfill their God-given purpose and become unstoppable in every area of life.

Who I am

I will help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

I’m a wife, mother, entrepreneur, author, trainer and life coach with the John Maxwell Team. I discovered the calling of my life purpose through writing my first book, “Wisdom from Giants”.

How can I help you .?  

Through my book and the John Maxwell coaching resources I can help you :


Are you looking for the tools and guidance to help you be the very best version of yourself?

English Version 

¿Buscas recursos y una guía que te ayuden a convertirte en tu mejor versión?

Spanish Version 

How can I help you .?

Through my book and the John Maxwell coaching resources I can help you :

  • Miracle

    Understand the walking miracle that you are with a perfectly designed purpose to fulfill.

  • Take Control

    Take control over your thoughts and utilize them as your greatest ally.

  • Mind Power

    Utilize your mind as a power source to ignite your purpose.

  • Be Intentional

    Be intentional in cultivating more positive emotion in your life and work

  • Power

    Visualize that you have the power to change your world and others by adding positive values.

  • Small Disciplines

    See how daily small disciplines will transform your destiny and will guide you to your purpose.

  • Create a sense of urgency

    Create a sense of urgency in your daily agenda and take massive action.


Individual Coaching

One on one private and confidential coaching. When I am working with you one-on-one, it is my highest objective to help you reach your purpose, vision and goals by working through John Maxwell's programs specific to your needs.

Group Consulting

When I am working in a group setting – although it’s not singular in nature – having the entire group’s input in thinking magnifies the richness of the discussions and results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create.


There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills.


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2. You break down goals, enjoy the journey, and make your dreams a reality.
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